With the #TeamEitel annual party right around the corner and a lack of attention on the website for the last year I decided to release what I hope to be (close to) the final t-shirt design for 2014 as the splash home page image! This year I wanted the emphasis to be on those who make TeamEitel what it is today, along with a special tribute to those that TeamEitel supporters have and are relentlessly fighting for. Too often we forget to give back and I wanted to make a point to let everyone know how important you have been to not just TeamEitel but Light the Night and the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Your support is a blessing.
In regular styling you will see the names of all of the #TeamEitel supporters over the years – in caps and bold styling you will see the names of those who have specifically been touched with cancer.
Thank you all for the tremendous and continued support over the years! I wish you all the best in our efforts in finding a cure for cancer! I can’t wait to see all of you at the party on Aug 16th. More details to follow soon! Check out www.TeamEitel.com to see the image live or click below and find your name!

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society?
Justin D. Eitel